Wednesday 28 April 2010

Game seven tonight.
If the Caps lose the season
is over. Sad face.


scott said...

I hope your sports team
Overcomes their opponent
In the pending match

Here's hoping that they get more points or goals or whatever. And I hope you take joy in their winning.

Hello, Collective.

mysterygirl! said...

But will we have an
"erection for Ovechkin"
either way? Hell, yes.

Go Caps!

kat said...

also you should know
today is jennie's birthday.
wish her a happy...


peefer said...

I am willing to let my Habs lose tonight's game just to see you smile.

peefer said...

Oh, wait:

I am willing to
let my Habs lose tonight's game
just to see you smile.

There. That's better.

kat said...

aw, shucks, peefer. i
will sing 'o canada' real
loud for you tonight.

Jennie said...

I am not going to write my comment in haiku because I don't want to blow my wad before tomorrow. I'm sorry for that imagery. I hope they are the winners!

Ms Elanious said...

Happy Birthday Jen-
nie! Happy Birthday Jennie!
Happy Birthday dear...

/end haiku

Jennie, Happy Birthday to you!!

Also, GO CAPS!

Anonymous said...

They have to win, yo;
Losing to the French would be

matt said...

Happy Birthday, Jennie!

linster said...

BD Haiku to u

Happy Birthday, Jenn!
You and The Collective Rock
Have your best year yet.

Unknown said...

Haiku's are fun stuff
I only know a few words
Short poem is good

Caps will win tonight
or else Winston will be sad
He loves Ovechkin

Abigail said...

Hahahah! Winston! Seth, you are my hero.

Jennie said...

dear collective peeps
thanks for the birthday wishes
i like cake lots YUM

Jake said...

that was unfortch'nate
knuble didn't interfere
still, bad power play :(

me said...

happy day late birthday jennie


kat said...

i am so depressed
i took the day off from work.
that's pretty sad, huh?

Ashley said...

Jennie, it was your birthday? I'm so confused with this private Collective thing because I keep forgetting to check every day and by the time I read everybody is already done talking and also I don't go on Facebook, which would have told me it was your birthday. I'm going to write on your wall right now.