Wednesday, 22 April 2009

We stand on guard for thee!

Anyone who has ever known me will tell you many things about me, and hopefully one of those things is that I LOVE CANADA. Because I do. I mean, what's not to love? Their winters are harsh so they are tough and self-reliant to keep them going. Their winters are harsh so they are polite and helpful to keep each other going. Their winters are harsh so they eat poutine and Tim Horton's and drink beer and BEER is SO DELICIOUS. Wait, what was I talking about?

Oh yeah. Hot Canadians. Because they are. Hot, that is. And it has nothing to do with having the most adorable accent in all the world. (Okay, maybe it does a little.)

So, DUH, it's no wonder that my latest crush is Mysterygirl!'s future boyfriend. I mean, LOOK:


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