Thursday 2 April 2009

Is this real life?

Jennie It's no secret that I spend a lot of quality time with The Internet, except maybe to my (almost-former) boss. Zing! Anyway, at my (almost-former) job, the workload has been slowing down for weeks and I have to fill my days SOMEHOW. Sure, I could take a stroll around the building but I try not to do that very often because then people like, stop and talk to me. Nobody wants that. Especially at work.

My first order of business each and every morning is checking my email AND THEN, of course, I see what Google Reader has to offer me. I consider it a bonus if anything at all in my "awesome blossom extra awesome" folder has been updated. Once I finish Google Reader (lies, Google Reader is never finished if you're doing it right), I mosey on over to Facebook, even though it's practically useless to me because I can't play Wordscraper at work anymore. And then Tumblr, which is my new favorite form of blogging because I can write less than a sentence and it still counts as a post. At that point, I usually feel like I'm about to run out of Internet so I may go ahead and blog myself, although there were a few very scary days where Blogger and all blogspot sites were BLOCKED on my work computer. Luckily, those dark days passed and have never returned. And I don't care if they do return to this particular computer because I'm saying goodbye to it FOREVER as of 2 o'clock tomorrow and good riddance, because it is the slowest piece of crap since . . . well, my old personal computer.

If I get really desperate, there's always Etsy. And Amazon. And ThinkGeek. Free Rice*. Craigslist cheap/free crap. Lately, both because Heidi and I are moving AND because, as of next week, I will be working less than 10 minutes from one, I've been frequenting the Ikea website.

And if I could search The YouTubes at work, well, you can bet I'd be watching this over and over. Also this. And this. Maybe this. DEFINITELY this.

But still, my favorite place on The Internets (besides The Collective, of course) is here:

Always has been, always will be.

*Joe: Free Rice?
Me: Yes.
Joe: "I like to define words!"
Me: Shut up, it's fun!

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