Wednesday 10 August 2011

Ever wondered what makes special sauce so special? Yo.

So here's the thing. I really love sandwiches. They're so good. BLTs, clubs, PB&Js, really, all the sandwiches. And this one will blow your mind:

Behold the chip butty! (I apologize for the poor photo quality but London pubs aren't exactly well lit.) And what is a chip butty? Well, it's french fries smooshed between two slices of buttered white bread. And it is DELICIOUS.


mysterygirl! said...

French fry sandwich! Huzzah!

Gretchen Alice said...

Yeah, I can get behind this sandwich. (Unintentional wordplay?)

Heather Anne Hogan said...

What?! Amazing!

You can call me, 'Sir' said...

These were the source of happiness following MANY drunken trips to late-night junk food shops while studying and living in the UK. They do drunk food so much better than us (kebabs are the ultimate example).

Jennie said...


Ashley said...

I am thirsty just looking at that thing.

Kiti said...

I'm just dying over the titular reference to my favorite Futurama episode EVER.

Kiti said...

I'm just dying over the titular reference to my favorite Futurama episode EVER.

kat said...

SUCH a good episode.

eclectic said...

Drunk food FTW!