Wednesday 16 September 2009

However, I suspect the real chore is being friends with me.

I'm pretty competent at this whole Being A Responsible Adult thing. I mean, I've pretty much done it since I was ten years old, so cooking? Easy! Laundry? Easy! Doing the dishes? Easy. Household chores come easy to me, but other people? Not so much. These days the chore I struggle most with is trying to be a interesting and witty human being in front of other human beings, and believe it or not, this past weekend I failed miserably.

I know I'm supposed to be funny and snarky about all of this but I'll beg for your indulgence today because I really don't have it in me. Because as big of a chore trying to be nice under normal circumstances is, trying to be nice after you've been told that no one wants you around is fairly impossible. So for now I'm choosing to make myself scarce.

Be back next week.

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